punkofnice4 minutes ago
I am told that the Mormons call their delusion 'the truth' too. Can anyone verify this?ooh--thats nice--2 versions of truth.
but is one a false truth--or the other truly false ?
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
i've always found it amazing that people can say with such conviction that jehovah is their friend.. we are talking about a "friend" who perhaps daily "tests" us to see if we are his friends.
all of us have dealt with some form of hardship such as the death of a loved one, chronic illness or whatever.
it is in these cases that the brothers will tell a person that perhaps it is a test, or that "jehovah knows you're not ready" or some other lame excuse.. do our real friends "test" us to see if we will be loyal to them?
the way some daft bat sisters used to talk about jehovah made me cringe. like some blow up doll they kept for company--someone to talk to.
in fact--isnt that a good marketable idea-??-----jehovah blow ups!!
. just no face--that would be unscriptural. but would have the jay-worg logo on it.
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
i remember--about 20 years ago--discovering that a friend ( female ) was a faded JW---
i referred to her as being " out of the truth" with others in on the conversation. they thought it was hilarious !
t. .
i bumped into a sister that i have known for at least 40 years or so.
we were catching up.
she and her husband have been in the truth for decades.
there were other people who either killed themselves or tried to kill themselves while they were at "the house of god.
one person who did kill himself was richard wheelock, press room overseer ......he jumped out of a window at the watchtower farm one day.
it seemed, he was never quite the same after his wife "willy" died.
as i mentioned in another post i used to serve as an elder for 2 decades.
i was involved in a number of jc.
some i dealt with are good friends now.
StanLD m666 xjw Birmingham? Am I right? I am not sure. I meant the island in general. I am from the north. Aye, lad.
yes---that really is my car registration plate--i bought it from the DVLA.
yes--i was born--and grew up in Birmingham UK--until i moved to the Isle of Wight ( UK ) in 1971.
cedars site hasn't had anything new since september when the new mid week meeting was disclosed.
wonder if the moles were caught.
i posted in another topic a few hours ago.
it is my first time on here or any website like this, ever.
i was dfed back in september for adultery.